Thursday, October 22, 2009

Super Simple Garlic Honey Infusion

We have many homeopathic and herbal remedies that we use in our home, but there is only one that sits on our kitchen window seal all year long. It really can't be over prescribed, because it is so mild in reaction to the body but is almost unlimited in benefits and prevention. The kids love taking it and helping me make it. They call it the tickle medicine, because we take it at the first onset(or tickle) of any cough, throat ache or nose tickle. It is a wonderful upper respiratory immune booster!!!! I love introducing people into the world of Holistic "medicine" with our Tickle medicine because it is so easy to make and easy to administer.

This is what you'll need: 6-8 oz of raw local honey, 1/2 large garlic or whole small one, small jar, knife and food processor(optional)

prep time: 5 minutes, finished product 24 hours

Honey should be from local harvest as close to your home as possible 10-2o miles, I get mine from my local farmers' market with the honey comb in it. (Just a tid bit about me-it is a dream of mine to tend bee hives and have fresh honey, someday). Garlic is very easily grown, but my harvest was punie and my family ate all of ours so I'm just using fresh bought garlic from anywhere. Ok, are you ready?....this is where it gets complicated. Press the garlic cloves to remove them from skin, mince either by hand or food processor, put in a jar, then fill jar with honey. Replace jar with lid and let sit for a minimul of 24 hours, but infusion will be good for about a month out of the refregirator.

My recommended dosage is one heaping tablespoon for ages 1-12(babies under 12 months SHOULD NOT eat honey and pregnant women shouldn't consume unpastureased hoeny) and 2 table spoons for adults. As an immune booster or preventitive one dose should be taken daily. At the onset of symptoms take 3 times daily or as needed every 3-4 hours.

Honey has long been known to be an antihistamin and is used as an antiseptic. Garlic is one of the oldest known medicinal plants, remedies dating back to 3000B.C. It is a natural antibiotic, it will also aid in digestion, healing internal wounds, and lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

If a cough presisted and/or gets worse over more than 10 days consult a doctor. If a person is having difficulty breathing or is turning burn go to emergency room.